The National Training Service for Open Science and Digital Skills project was born from a common initiative of Sigve Haug from University of Bern and Patricia Palagi from Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. The main objective of the project is to create a common advertising – potentially also booking and billing – platform for the non-regular courses organised in the domain of (widely understood) open science.
On one hand this platform serves as a basis for creating a national pool of courses offered by Swiss higher educational institutions, on the other hand it provides the necessary background structure for opening up the courses to the employees and students of other institutions.
Furthermore, as a side-effect we expect to have the following national benefits:
- coordination and steering of training catalogues on digital skills and open science,
- standardised policies.
1 April – 31 December, 2020.
Involved higher education institutions
Our goal is to work out together with all interested Swiss higher educational institutions a business plan assuring a self-sustained running of the service in future. The list of currently involved institutions (in alphabetic order):
- EPFL, university library
- ETH, Scientific IT Services
- Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
- University of Bern, Science IT Support team & university library
- University of Basel, Center for Scientific Computing
- University of Fribourg, IT Service Management
- University of Geneva, Rectorate
- University of Zürich, Central IT
This business plan is the outcome of the common efforts of the above institutions.
Project partners